Friday, March 28, 2014

Family pictures. Easter. The kids. Mother's day. Just because. Birthday. It's Sunday. Decor.

These are ALL great reasons to get family pictures taken. But the real reason to get pictures taken is for memories. Remember that moment, that day, that size, that smile. You can never have this time again. Capture it. Remember when they were small, or when you held hands so tight. When He/She was the ONLY thing you thought about all day long. Make the day special. Wear something nice, smile your best and have fun with it. Remember that day and make it special. Then every time you look at the pictures on the wall, or in a book you can get that special feeling back in your heart. These days are important, document them. Forever. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

With my 15 year wedding anniversary coming up....

 I thought I'd take a few pics of my daughters in my dress. The moment turned out to be even more special than I thought. Still have your wedding dress ? Let's set up a session.

Well, it's been awhile since I posted here. I have some session but been posting on Facebook mostly.

Here's some of what you've missed.